<p>&lt;p&gt;&amp;lt;p&amp;gt;Government Degree College Essak Khel Lakki Marwat is one of the leading educational institutions in Lakki Marwat which is one of the backward districts of the KPK. Towards the South of the Lakki Marwat city at the distance of almost 12 KM, on the eastern side of Abdul Khel. There is a Grand and beautiful two storey building of Govt Degree College Essak Khel. It is situated half mile away from the main Essak Khel Village.&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;&lt;/p&gt;</p>
Schedule of Merit List and Interview/Fee Deposit
Date: Thursday 29 Aug, 2019
Online Admission to F.A/ F.Sc (1st Year) for the session 2019-20 in Govt. Degree College Essak Khel, Lakki Marwat starts...
Last Date Extension
Date: Tuesday 23 Jul, 2019
Last Date of FA/FSc online admission for the session 2019-2020 of GDC Essak Khel is extended up to 29 July 2019
Schedule of Merit List and Interview/Fee Deposit
Date: Monday 30 Nov, -0001
Online Admission to F.A/ F.Sc (1st Year) for the session 2019-20 in Govt. Degree College Essak Khel, Lakki Marwat starts...
Jurisdictional Area of GDC Essak Khel
Date: Wednesday 11 Jul, 2018
Essak Khel, Bagu Khel, Nawar Khel, Daolat Khel, Masti Khel, Chunai Masti Khel, Ahmad Khel, Kata Khel, Shahsan Khel, ...
Study Level
Program Seats
BS Chemistry
BS 04 Years
Associate Degree Of Political Science
Associate Degree
Associate Degree Of English
Associate Degree
BS Physics
BS 04 Years