

The library occupies a very important place in college . With its books suited to the interests and aptitude of students of different age group, with its magazines, periodicals, news papers and with its calm and tranquil atmosphere it has a special call to the students who go there and quench their thirst for reading the material which cannot be provided to them in the class room. Here they find an environment which is conductive to the building up of habit of self learning. The library is the center of the intellectual and social activities of college. The library has got very wholesome effect over the work of college.

There are approximately two thousands reference and circulating books. Daily Mashriq is an everyday subscription of our library. The habit of self study requires that students must be encouraged to go to the library to select books.

Procedure and rules for assuing books:

In order to take utmost benefits from the library;

a. library cards are issued to all students for taking books.

b. Books are issued to all students of different classes on thier respective appointed days.

c. Student will have to spend their free periods in the library in order to improve their learning.


The students are encouraged to go to the library.