Online Admission in Associate Degree Programs session 2023-24

GDC Barkhalozai Bajaur has announced online admissions for Associate Degree Programs session: 2023-24 in the following subjects:

1. Associate Degree in Science (Zoology)
2. Associate Degree in Science (Computer Science)
3. Associate Degree in Arts (Islamic Studies)
4. Associate Degree in Arts (Political Science)

Important Dates:

Start Date of Online Admission: 29-09-2023

Closing Date of Online Admission: 13-10-2023

Hafiz e Quran Test: 14-10-2023

1st Merit List: 15-10-2023

Interview and Fee Submission for 1st Merit List: 16-10-2023 to 17-10-2023

2nd Merit List: 18-10-2023

Interview and Fee Submission for 2nd Merit List: 18-10-2023 to 19-10-2023

Sports Trials:

1. Cricket: 16-10-2023
2. Football and Volleyball: 17-10-2023
3. Badminton and Athletics: 18-10-2023