

The Department of Political Science and International Relations is a new established department at the Govt Post Graduate college Mandian Abbottabad. The department intends to equip the students in the fields of Political Science and International Relations with the historical and current intellectual developments in national and international political arena. A Unique programs of Political Science and International Relations are running under the apices of the Departments of Political Science and International Relations.

The majority of teaching is done through didactic lectures, supported by tutorials, seminars, computer laboratory sessions, case study classes, reports, internships and business projects, interactive seminars, web conferencing, etc. The assessment of the students is done on the basis of their course work (examinations, oral presentations, assignments and projects).

The Department of Political Science and International Relations promotes a vibrant research culture. It is committed to embrace new areas of political research and reinforce existing strengths. The primary focus is on achieving excellence in research that is of both strategic and practical importance. The faculty and students are actively engaged in research activities.


Main purpose of the program of BS 4-Year in International Relations is to prepare graduates having a deep knowledge of the subject as well as ability to analyze any given situation and draw out conclusions.
The syllable of the subject is designed by keeping in view the following objectives.

1. The graduates passed under this program should have a sound knowledge of the subject. For this purpose an intensive and extensive program spread over 4-Year BS in International Relation is designed.

2. Along with the knowledge of the subject they should also have a broader view of other disciplines of social as well as physical sciences. It will enable the students to interact with other branches of knowledge and strengthen their understanding of the society.

3. The graduates are to be equipped with essential tools and techniques of research. It will enable them to analyze any given situation/issue and suggest its possible solutions.

The graduates are to be empowered to establish and develop a viable and forceful link between theory/concepts and practice in the field for its proper implementation and utilization by the students, scholars, policy-makers and planners

The core objective is to familiarize students with emerging trends in the disciplines of Political Science and International Relations. To comprehend various issues in the region, contemporary world politics and foreign policy issues. To provide training that would enable students to make a significant contribution in the future.


Cater to the educational needs of future leaders in the national government, civil society institutions and international organizations. The Department strives to provide the highest quality education to the students.


4 Years Degree Program { Bachelor of Science in International Relations }

Total Credit Hours

130+ credit hours spread over 8 semesters.


FA/F.Sc Pre-Medical/Pre-Engineering, Intermediate in Computer Science.


to MA/M.Sc (16 years education)