Govt Ghazi Umara Khan Degree College Samar Bagh, Dir Lower

<p>&lt;p&gt;&amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;gt;Government&amp;amp;amp;nbsp; Degree College&amp;amp;amp;nbsp;Samarbagh is situated&amp;amp;amp;nbsp; in a green and beautiful area Samarbagh Dir Lower. Samarbagh has an important position in the history of Dir Lower.&amp;amp;lt;/p&amp;amp;gt; &amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;gt;The need to establish a Government run educational institution for the&amp;amp;amp;nbsp;male students&amp;amp;amp;nbsp;of Samarbagh&amp;amp;amp;nbsp;and other near areas was felt intensively since long, which led to the establishment of this College at the Degree level in 2006. The college offers courses, both in Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and the Humanities group and, therefore, satisfies the need and taste of the society from different angles.&amp;amp;lt;/p&amp;amp;gt; &amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;gt;Learn more, do more is the Moto of Govt. Degree College Samarbagh. Since 2008, hundreds of students have graduated from this college, and they are contributing for the uplift of the country. Presently the college is catering the educational needs of nearly 1000 students of intermediate and graduation levels. The purpose and aims of this college are very clear-to spread the light of education in the society.&amp;amp;lt;/p&amp;amp;gt;&lt;/p&gt;</p>

News & Events

Admission for first year students 2019-20

Date: Tuesday 02 Jul, 2019
Admission will be start from 06/07/2019 last date will be 25/07/2019. First merit list will be displayed on 30/07/2019 interview will be held on 01/0...

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Programs View all Programs


Study Level

Program Seats

BS Political Science

BS 04 Years


BS Urdu

BS 04 Years


BS English

BS 04 Years


BS Physics

BS 04 Years


BS Chemistry

BS 04 Years