<p><p>INTRODUCTION A new society is coming into&amp;amp;amp;nbsp; existence in our country. New industrial &amp;amp;amp;amp; commercial institutions are opening and awareness of the general public is incerasing. Those persons who have required technical, Professional and information Technology education will be absorbed in the new society. Employment in Non Governmental organizations seems more attractive than Govt: service and there is every possibility that after some time private companies will become the biggest institutions for employment. In these circumstances, technically and professionally educated students will be demanded in the market.&amp;amp;amp;nbsp; In view of the new and fast changing international economic requirements our policy maker are becoming aware that in order to make country progessive, Commerce education must be made extensive. The changed circumstances call for increase in the required skiled manpower in accordance with the demand in private and Govt: institutions.The department of Commerce education exposes students to the realities and demand of the private and public sector. &amp;amp;amp;nbsp;In this connection, usefulness of commerce and business education is increasing day by day. Till now facilities of medical and engineering were certres of attention for the students, but in last few years, significance of commerce and business education is being realized and talented students are turning there to. &amp;amp;amp;nbsp;The Govt: College of Commerce &amp;amp;amp;amp; Management Sciences No.2 Bannu has been established by the Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in 2007 for providing Commerce Education in this region. The College shifted to its new constructed Building and inaugurated on September 9, 2012. Which is Located on D.I.Khan Road near Zaman Abad (Ismail Khani) Bannu</p></p>
Admissions are Open for D.Com Part-I Account & Shorthand for the Session 2019-20
Date: Friday 05 Jul, 2019
Admissions are Open in D.Com Part-I Account & Shorthand for the Session 2019-20
Eligibility: Matric Science / Arts
Application start ...
Study Level
Program Seats
Computer Sciences
BS Commerce
BS 04 Years
Diploma In Commerce (Accounts)
Diploma In Commerce (Short Hand)