Processing Fee
Dated: Thursday 07 Sep, 2023
تمام ایسے طلبا جنھوں نی آن لاین ایپلاءی کیا ہے مگر اپنی ۱۰۰ روپیہ فیس جمع نہیں کرو....
Please Submit 100/- Rs Processing Fee To Confirm Your Application For Admission
Dated: Friday 26 Aug, 2022
Dear Students if you have applied for admission in GDC Lassan Nawab but in case you did not submitted 100/- Rs application processing fee to Jazz C....
Admission Notice
Dated: Monday 15 Aug, 2022
Dear students/Partents please get ready for admissions in Govt College Lassan Nawab, Mansehra.Admissions in intermediate are starting soon
....Extention In Admission Dates.
Dated: Saturday 27 Jul, 2019
Extention in admission dates.....
Important To Know
Dated: Saturday 27 Jul, 2019
????ضروری نوٹ: صرف وہ طلبا ایپلائی کریں کہ جو کالج میں دوران سال کم از کم 75فیصد حاضریا....
Second Admission Crycle
Dated: Saturday 27 Jul, 2019
Second admission Cycle Intermediate 2019 has been announced .Last date to apply online is 04-08-2019.....
Instructions To Apply_students Manual
Dated: Monday 30 Nov, -0001
Step1: Go to