Admission Procedure
Admission Instructions for students:
Admission of FA/F.Sc for the session 2017-18 will be online. /college.php?college_id=158 by clicking sign up button
Students can apply online by using 4 different steps. At each step he will fill separate form. At first step he will create account by providing CNIC Number or Form B or Mobile Number as login name and password. Provision of functional Mobile number is mandatory. This login name and password will be used by students for checking his admission status.
During the process of filling admission forms student will receive different messages on mobile number provided by student regarding his admission.
While filling admission form each student should specify his program (Pre-Medical, Pre-Engineering, Computer Science, Arts Group) and quota (Local, Non Local, Sports, Disabled, Higher Education Employee Quota).
Students should fill separate form if he is applying for more than one program or quota. Moreover, he will have to deposit Rs. 100/- for each program or quota e.g. if a student is applying for 3 programs than he will have to deposit Rs. 300/- as application processing fee.
For sports quota student can specify sub quota (Cricket, Hockey, Volleyball, kabaddi etc.) as per college policy.
At the end system will generate token ID for each student, student should deposit Rs. 100/- as application processing fee against the token ID at any Jazz Retailer shop.
Student should thoroughly fill each online admission form. In case of any wrong entry, student will be responsible for that. Student should provide correct information otherwise his admission shall stand cancelled.