Principals Message

Principals Message


Principal’s Message

Being a proud Muslim Feminist educationist, I do believe in promoting female students through Higher Education .I do believe that norms, values and attitudes of society can be improved through Higher Education. I assure all the stakeholders, parents, students and public, for grooming the young female students into highly refined and well-balanced personalities.

Through learning centers like colleges, cultures and civilization spread. This college will improve the soft image of the region by inculcating the Islamic virtues of honesty, equality, courtesy, love, co-operation and truth among youngs.

This college has been declared as a model college of KPK since 2012, for meeting the international standard of education.

Bs 4years /international standard has been launched BS Physics ,Botany ,Islamiyat,Psychology ,Urdu ,Political Science are the running disciplines. Additional disciplines of Economics and English will also be started in August ,Sep 2018 under the supervision of qualified, trained and professional team of teachers.

As the vision statement entails the college will strive for social, political and economic empowerment of females; seminars, debates, guest lectures, presentations, study trips, sports are arranged regularly to create confidence and competence among students.

Well equipped computer, language, video, and science laboratories are available. Setting up of E-library is in process.

The secretary of Higher Education KPK Mr. Zafar Ali Shah has directed the renovation and beautification of college building, lawns, so the new candidates will see renovated and beautiful buildings with provision of all facilities.

I welcome all new learners to my college.


Prof: Mrs. Jamila Khanum