


Specimen on Stamp of Rs.30/-


In Compliance with order of Supreme Court of Pakistan in Human Right Case Number 228 of 1992.

I Miss --------------------------------------------------------D/O Mr.------------------------------------------------------Student of --------------------- Year, at Government Girls degree College Palosai in /at the college, I shall not indulge in politics. In case I violate this undertaking .I shall be expelled from the college, without any further notice from the principal of this college.Further to this regard to my “Indulgence in Political” given by the Principal under her seal and signature shall be final and shall not be questioned except only before the Supreme Court of Pakistan.


Signature of the student------------------------

Full Name------------------------------------------

Father/Guardian Name:-----------------------N.I.C No:------------------------------------------Registration No-----------------------------------Permanent Adress---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(To be filled by father/ Guardian of the student)

I, Mr. / Mrs. ------------------------------------------------- S/ O Wife of Mr.---------------------------------------------------Father/ Guardian of--------------------------------------------------here by fully endorse the undertaking given by my Daughter/Ward and assure that she abide by this undertaking during her stay at the college. In case my Daughter/ward------------------------------- includes in politics, finding with regard to which given by the Principal under her seal and signature shall be final and shall not be questioned except only before the Suprem Court of Pakistan, she shall be expelled from the College without any further notice.


Full Name---------------------------------------

Father/Guardian Name:-----------------------

N.I.C No:-----------------------------------------Permanent Address-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dated:-----------------------------------------------

Witness No.1 Witness No.1

--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

Full Name------------------------- Full Name-------------------------

Father Name--------------------- Father Name--------------------- ATTESTED

N.I.C card No.-------------------- N.I.C card No.--------------------

Registration No.----------------- Registration No.----------------- Signature & Seal of

Permanent Address------------ Permanent Address------------ 1st Class Magistrate

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