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Submit application to any college for admission


Deposit application fee at any JazzCash Retailer/Mobile App.

Admissions in Intermediate (Part-I)/Associate Degree and Bachelors in Government colleges for the session 2024-25 are Closed

Higher Education, Archives & Libraries Department Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has initiated this system of Online Admission to Government Colleges under the project of ICT Facilitation. The system enables and provides easy interface to the students of KPK and enforce transparency in the process of admission.

Apply Online

Application process for admission is simple. Create your account, enter your academic and personal information and submit your application to any college.


Online admission system is now supported by all government colleges of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Merit Lists

All Merit lists are publicly available to enhance transparency. Anyone can see merit lists and other admission reports of current year as well as previous years.