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0th Provisional Merit list for session 2024 [Government College Peshawar] BS Urdu (District Local)

# Tracking ID Name Father Name Total Obtained Net Marks Percentage Remarks
1SEP2024424464Syed Asad UllahAbdullah120064464453.67
2SEP2024353630Malik Sahil KhanMalik Naeem Khan120064164153.42
3SEP2024343842Kareem Ullah Najeeb Ullah 120063963953.25
4SEP2024377803Inam UllahMeer Aman Khan120063863853.17

Important Dates:

Admission starting date: 22-Nov-2024
Admission last date: 23-Nov-2024


  1. Printed copy of online admission form
  2. 03 copies of F.A/ F.Sc Part-II DMC and domicile
  3. Admission Fee @ RS. 7900/-, Original Migration Certificate ( Board to University )
  4. 04 Passport size photos with white background
  5. Copies of Parent and student CNICs
  6. All documents shall be attested
  7. All original documents including Parent / student CNICs
  8. Affidavit
  9. Students who have passed before 2023 will submit an affidavit with undertaking that they have not taken admission in any Institute / University during this period