Admission to the college is conducted strictly in accordance with the rules and regulations, framed by the Provincial Higher Education Department and BISE Mardan. Admission forms to the candidates will be made available just after the declaration of results by the Board / University. The College Admission Committee will announce the last date for the submission of the application forms in each case.
This Admission Policy is being implemented for admission in Ist year/Inter Part-1, w.e.f. the academic session 2018-19 and onwards.
(i) Admission to different classes shall be completed according to the schedule fixed by the concerned Education Board or University, as the case may be. Admission forms shall be made available to the candidates just after declaration of the result till reasonable opportunity is provided to all the eligible candidates of different Education Boards and Universities of the Province
(ii)(a) In case of manual process, admission forms for admission to each group shall be entered in a separate register under specified serial numbers, which shall serve as reference for any information in respect of a candidate who has applied for admission. A receipt of admission form shall also be issued to each candidate who applies for admission.
(b) Where online admission facility is available, candidates shall apply online and hardcopies of their application forms along with required documents shall be submitted to the concerned colleges or as otherwise described. Its record shall also be maintained as per procedure explained at 3-(ii) a, above.
(iii) The Principal shall constitute separate Admission Committees for different faculties/groups at various levels. Each committee shall consist of a Senior Staff Member as Chairperson along with other staff members drawn from the relevant faculty/group. These committees should thoroughly check/scrutinize the application forms and make their recommendation regarding eligibility of the candidates for admission in a particular group of studies according to the rules/instructions issued by the government and concerned affiliating Education Board or University.
(v) Applications which are not registered within due date, whether online or manual, shall not be considered for admission.
(vi) The principal may keep 10 % of the total number of seats in each faculty for 15 days for meritorious students who may not turn up for admission within the prescribed time for admission due to unavoidable circumstances. The minimum marks declaring a candidate as meritorious shall be determined by the concerned committee of each college.
(vii) If a student applies for admission one or more years late then she shall produce an affidavit to the effect that she has not been admitted at any college previously and she is availing the opportunity for admission for the first time.
(viii) Students passing in supplementary examination shall not be eligible for admission in the academic year in which she has passed the examination.
(ix) Students who failed in any class or did not appear in the examination or discontinued their studies shall not be allowed readmission in the same or lower class.
(x) The admission Committee(s), while recommending the candidates for admission shall pay due consideration to the following:
a) Students failed in one or more subjects shall not be allowed to take admission in Part-I /1st Semester of Intermediate, Degree or BS classes.
b) Students placed in “E” grade in SSC exam shall not be allowed admission in 1st Year in any faculty / group.
c) Candidates who obtain less than 45% in the last examination passed shall not be allowed admission to 3rd year / Degree Part-1st or BS 1st Semester.
d) General conditions as well as conditions specific to particular faculty/group or subject for admission to the Intermediate, Degree and BS Level shall be in accordance with those set by the concerned Education Board or University for the relevant level, faculty or subject.
e) No regular admission in any class shall be allowed to a candidate who has already passed equivalent examination in another faculty / group or subject.
(xi) Candidates who fail to confirm their seat by depositing the required fee within the specified period shown on any merit list shall lose their right of admission and her seat shall be allotted to the next candidate in order of merit. However, if such candidate(s) turn for admission at a later stage and vacant seats are available then such candidates may be given opportunity before offering admission to next candidate(s) having lower stage on the merit list.
Admission in the college shall stand cancelled under the following circumstances.
i. If any information given by the student in her Admission Form is found to be incorrect at any stage.
ii. If a student fails to attend the classes within 10 days of the start of the session.
iii. If a student is found to be professional agitator, or has been struck off from any educational institution on disciplinary grounds.
iv. If a student is practically involved in Politics.
v. Under rule 5(v).
vi. On the request of the student provided the request is made within a specified time period notified by the admission committee.
A student who remains absent for six consecutive days without any written application shall be struck off the college roll.
A student whose admission is cancelled under rules 9 (ii, v) or whose name is struck off on the basis of long absence under rule 10 can apply for re-admission to the Principal within 15 days of the issue of such notification. The Principal may allow her re-admission on payment of the Re-admission fee / Admission Fee and any other outstanding dues.
Re-admission for the second time in a current academic session shall not be generally allowed. However, genuine and deserving cases may be submitted to the Director Higher Education on the basis of valid documentary proof with the condition that the applicant can make up for his/her shortages and can fulfill the requirement of 75% attendance during the remaining period of the session. Such students shall pay all the Government fee and Pupils Fund except security and BISE charges.
Change of faculty is not allowed. However, change of subject is allowed subject to the following conditions:
i. The student must apply for change of subject within 21 days of the start of the classes at each level of studies.
ii. Change of subject is allowed only within a faculty or group of subjects.
Migration to or from a college may be allowed by the Principals of both the colleges subject to the conditions:
(i) That the applicant is seeking migration from a college situated beyond 16 kilometer of the college to which she wants to migrate
(ii) That the request is based on genuine grounds like parents / spouse transfer, family shifting, family enmity or marriage duly supported by documentary proof
(iii) Marks obtained by the candidates in the last examination passed are not less than the minimum marks obtained by a regular student of that class.
(iv)The migration is within the prescribed time period of the concerned Education Board / University.