Admission Procedure

Admission Procedure



As the condidates seeking admission, are too many for our limited seats those who come under the jurisdiction of the college are accommodated first. The areas from Shakar Dara to Shawar, Biha, Rodingar, Sakhra, Nowkhara and from Khwaza Khela up to Toap Sen, Maindam, Kalam, Utror and Usha fall under the jurisdictiob=n of the college. However, some seats are also reserved for outstanding students who come from other areas

Admission Procedure

Admission froms with prospectus are available on payment at the college office after ten days of the declaration of the annual results. The form filled and signed by the candidate himself must be submitted to the office within the specified period. Dates for the interviews are notified on the Notice Board.The candidate must appear for the interview in person. A list of the selected student in put up on the Notice Board. In order to ensure their admisssion the candidates are to deposite the required fees within the stipulated per