Rules and Regulation
Winter White Shalwar and Qamees with Sash & White Scarf, Cardigan, Shoes and Socks
Summer White Shalwar and Qamees with Dupatta and black Shoes with white/black Socks
Note: The college administration reserves the right to prevent any student dressed in improper uniform from entering into the college premises. College uniform is obligatory
for all students.
At least 75% attendance of the delivered lecturers is compulsory for a student in theory and practical classes in each subject. Students falling short of 75 % attendance in any
subject shall not be allowed to take the annual public examination of the board / university.
The college identity card is issued to all students within fifteen days of their admission. It is binding upon every student to obtain the college identity card and display it on
their chest during the college hours. In case of loss or spoilage, a duplicate Identity Card is issued on payment of a fine of Rs.50/-.
Some work of social welfare for at least three weeks during two academic years is must for the BS & Postgraduate Students. Social work may include cleanliness and
beautification of an area, look-after the play grounds and lawns or some other assignments of social interest inside/outside the college premises.
It is binding upon every student of the college to follow the following rules and regulations:
i. Every student is bound to observe the religious obligations and to show tolerance for other religions, beliefs, customs and traditions. Promoting communal, regional and
religious disharmony among students or college staff is strictly prohibited;
ii. Every student has to be loyal to the Ideology of Pakistan and is not allowed to commit any actions which may damage the honour and integrity of the motherland;
iii. Every student has to demonstrate tolerance, patience, and politeness in his dealing with teachers and fellow students;
iv. Every student should respect the college teachers and the college administration and abide by the rules and regulations introduced from time to time. Any form of
harassment of any student or other employee of the college or visitor is strictly prohibited;
v. Every student should pledge to keep his mind and body clean and must demonstrate good manners and should develop the spirit to help and serve his fellow students;
vi. Every student must receive his education keenly and participate in sports and co-curricular activities with honesty and sincerity;
vii. Every student must take care of the public and college property and persuade others to do so;
viii. Every student, for any personal concern, has to directly contact the concerned Incharge. Improper interference in the academic, administrative, sporting, social or other
activities is strictly prohibited;
ix. Every student shall regularly observe the college and class timing and shall ensure his/her regular presence in the classes such that his/her attendance shall not fall short of
the required attendances of the public examining bodies;
x. Every student shall regularly take class tests and home examinations;
xi. Every student must come to the college in the college prescribed uniform;
xii. Every student must provide correct information to the college administration, whenever required;
xiii. Every student must observe all the rules regulations related to the class-room, common room, library, lawns, playgrounds and hostel;
xiv. Every student must abstain himself from using unfair means in the class tests, home examination and public examination;