Rules For Admission
The rules for admission to college are in conformity with the rules and instructions of the BISE Abbottabad and Abbottabad University of Science and Technology. The recently announced conditions and criteria by the Government for admission of students will be strictly adhered to. It is the responsibility of government to facilitate the education of truly deserving and talented students for the portals of college must not be allowed to be opened for undeserving.
The following are the rules and conditions for admission.
1. Admission to First Year and Third Year classes will commence after approximately 10 to 20 days of declaration of results of matriculation/ intermediate Examination. Admission will remain open for seven days(can be extended with the consent of Principal and consent of Admission Committee. Registration for Admission will be Online process. No manual forms will be accepted w.e.f July, 2017 onwards. Applications received under rule 3 below may be entertained for admission if eligible. The following documents must be attached to the admission form.
(a). Provisional Certificate (b). Character Certificate (c). Detailed marks Certificate issued by the concerned Board other than the Abbottabad Board (d). Undertaking that the Candidate will not indulge in Politics (e). Domicile.
2. 60% of the seats in each faculty are reserved for Local District Quota, 18% for Jurisdiction Quota, 10% for Non Local Quota, 2% for Disabled applicants, 5% for College Employee Quota and 5% Sports seats are subject to trails.
3. Candidates who are Hafiz e Quran are granted 20 marks in addition to their original marks.
4. Admission in Third year class is allowed only to those students who may have obtained at least C grade but it is subject to the availability of seats.
Remember: Application for admission does not mean that a candidate will be admitted and should not apply elsewhere.
5. The principal is empowered to keep 10% seats vacant for fifteen days after the due date if admission for outstanding students who may have for reasons beyond their control not appeared before the admission/selection board within the specified time for admission.
6. 3rd year applicants will have to choose subjects they have studied at their inter level and in which they have obtained good grades. New subjects at B.A level are allowed only if the student has at least 50% marks in English, since the medium of instruction at the Degree Level is English and at least 50% marks in Mathematics.
7. Students who have passed F.A (Humanities) are not eligible for admission in B.S.C, nor can they select Maths A, Maths B, Statistics/Computer Science/Physics, although they may have studied Statistics & Maths with Economics.
8. First year applicants desiring to take science must have passed the relevant science subjects along with mathematics with 50% marks. Students aspiring to enter the Humanities (Arts) group must have passed in English and all the relevant subjects.
9. Those passing supplementary examination are ineligible for admission to 1st and 3rd year during the same academic year or session.
10. If a student applies for admission a year or more late, then she shall produce an Affidavit to the effect the she had not been admitted in any college previously and that she is availing the opportunity for admission to a college for the first time.
11. Age limit for admission is exempted for female applicants except for the sports quota. In case she applies on Sports Quota, age for her must be one less than the upper age limit fixed for male candidates.
12. Students from Qalandarabad Jurisdiction areas (UC Banda Pir Khan, UC Baldehri, UC Daata, UC Behaali and UC Mirpur) will be given preference and priority over other applicants. Only those who passed Matric and F.A/ with A1 grade will be given priority over others.
13. For admission to the class applied for is essential that the applicant presents herself before the college admission committee/Principle along with original documents for interview/test. Without this none shall be admitted.
14. Migration is admissible only in the case of students whose Father/Guardian is transferred to Abbottabad and is in Government services. However the other criteria for admission must be fulfilled before admission is granted. Admission is subject to availability of seats and such migration is to have prior approval of the Director of Education (College).
15. Change of faculty is not allowed. However change of subject is allowed subject to the following conditions:
16. Admission will be cancelled in the case of students who are found to have any or all of these irregularities.
17. Once admitted the students are required to provide two passport size photographs in college uniform for their college identity card.