Attendance Rules and Regulations
⦁ Student's attendance is checked and recorded regularly in each period.
⦁ An application must be addressed to the Principal before availing a casual leave.
⦁ For getting leave on medical grounds, a certificate from the Medical Superintendent must be obtained rom the concerned DHQ Hospital to this effect.
⦁ A student's name shall be struck off from the college roll in case he remains absent from the college for
Six consecutive days without the prior permission of the Principal, Or if his attendances are less
than 50% of the total lectures delivered in a month.
⦁ 80% attendances are must by every student in order to be eligible for taking part in the examination.
⦁ A student shall be fined Rs. 1 (one rupee only) for each absentee.
Note: A student once struck off from the college roll can only be re-admitted to the college upon bringing his father/ guardian to the college and by depositing special fine Rs.1000/- plus 300 readmission fee. A student once re-admitted to the college can never be re-admitted after a second expulsion from the college due to his poor attendance.