


No. 1: Monthly Stipend Program for Unemployed Youth

“Monthly Stipend for Educated Unemployed Youth” scheme was launched in 2013-14 to provide a monthly stipend of Rs. 2000/- per month for a period of one year (Rs. 24000 lump sum) to educated unemployed Master/Equivalent/Alamiya degree holders from public sector universities or registered deni madaris located in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Focal Persons from universities and wafaqs were nominated for the scheme to collect data from the students. The scheme has been advertised in two (2) phases. For more details please click here

No. 2: MORA Zakat Fund Scholarship

  • All those students who took admission as a fresh and new student for the study session 2016-2017 in graduate, undergraduate and postgraduate programs
  • Exhibit/students should be good in their studies and they have secure minimum 60% marks in previous classes or CGPA 2.5 in case of semester system
  • Parents of students should not be a Government employee
  • Monthly gross salary / overall income of a student’s family shouldn’t more than 10, 000/- per month in case of school / while in case of a college student or post graduate the income should not more then 30, 000/- per month
  • Student should not receive any scholarship before this scholarship from any college, institute or agency

Note: MORA Scholarships are intimated via College notice board/ official websites.

Application Procedure

If you are eligible for this scholarship then you have to perform the following procedure within the due date and time that will be intimated through the advertisement

  • Download Application Form From your relevant university’s officials website
  • Read the application form and fill in dully and accurately
  • After this states /verify your MORA Scholarship Form from the local chairman of zakat committee of your respective union council
  • Attach all the required documents with your application form
  • A recommendation letter from the local Zakat committee should be attached with the application form that proves that you are really deserving this scholarship
  • The scholarship office will only forward the applications to their respective district zakat chairman for further perusal and the award of the scholarship

Required Necessary Documents

  • CNIC of student, father / Guardian
  • MORA - Scholarship Application Form (Click here)
  • College or School identity card
  • Attested photocopy of final DMC / transcript letter of previous last degree it is if you are enrolled in 1st semester now
  • Attested result cards of previous semesters
  • Attested Domicile of a student
  • Salary slip of parent, guardian only private sector employee
  • In case of pension it also can be attached with your form in place of salary slip
  • In case of orphan attach death certificate of father
  • Guardian’s income certificate … Stamp Paper